2 years ago5 rounds of [Wim Hof] breathing with 3.5 minutes of retention - with OM MANTRAmedit-o-rama
3 years agoNo Talking, just Follow Along for three rounds of 35 breaths and 10 minute meditation - IntermediateBreathe and Be
3 years ago[NO VOICE] Wim Hof breathing - 3 rounds with 40 breaths / round + 10 minutes for meditationmedit-o-rama
3 years ago[Wim Hof] 4 rounds - 40 breaths | steps of 20s + 10 minutes for meditation with OM Mantramedit-o-rama
2 years ago[old version] 4 rounds Wim Hof breathing to reach 2.5 minutes of retention + OM mantramedit-o-rama