w/Col Giraldi PhD CIA Mil Intel: Why Israelis Ignore Everything what Biden/Kamala Say! Also, Thanks to Brainless Baboon Obama, Israel Gets Check for $3B every October First! Nice! Is Bibi the Real President of USA?
EXCLUSIVE: Cop Shot By Breonna Taylor's BF Speaks Out After Judge Says BF Caused Her Death, Dr. Robert Malone on Fauci Catching West Nile, DNC/RNC Pipe Bomber Update with Steve Baker, and more- The Breanna Morello Show
MOST WEST AFRICANS ARE ISRAELITES MORE PROOF : THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL BE AS THE SAND OF THE SEA, A REMANT SHALL BE SAVED...“as for the western border, ye shall even have the great sea for a border” 🕎John 11;49-54 “The children of God scattered”