Alex Jones & Co'intel PAYTRIOT$ Playing Drama Based Mind-Control Games - While We Are Continuing To Provide Education With Documented Proof Everytime! .
Practice: computer overview pre long form presentation - Exposing What The Shills will Never Talk About That You Should Really Know About! - You Are Very Welcome!
SMART Cities: Natural Asset Companies (putting nature on the Stockmarket) Social Impact Bonds and Wellbeing (investors commodifying people and making profit returns) Precision Health (targeting DNA, CRISPR, implanting devices within the body)
Appealing to the old sparkys - Malone,McCullough, ADAMS , Ruby, JONES, PETERS,ZEEE.... - 802.15.6-.5.-4. IEEE - Are We Being Truthful?‽? - WHY AREN'T ANY OF YOU TALKING ABOUT IT???