Binghamton University (New York): Started Out As A Civil, Polite Crowd, Then Becomes Very Lively With Lesbians Cussing Me Out, Police Intervene To Calm Crowd, Dealing With Homosexuals, Atheists, Skeptics, Muslims, Jews, Hypocrites & Christians
University of Nebraska, Lincoln: Lesbian Hecklers Help Me Draw Large Crowd, Dealing with Atheists, Agnostics, Hypocrites and Sexual Perverts -- Trying to Convince the Students That A True Christian Lives Holy And Stops Sinning
University of Tennessee Knoxville: Intelligent Agnostic and Silly Pirate Help Me Draw A Crowd, Dealing w/ Many Agnostics and Skeptics, Dealing w/ A Catholic, One Small Female Manifests Demons and Helps Me Draw Another Crowd, Answering Many Christians