4 years agoThe Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - Part 4 - Death Mountain & Tower of Hera;WTF is that Sound?Gunner GamingVerified
4 years agoResident Evil 2: The Remake - Part 7 - Too Early in the Morning For That Sh*t!Gunner GamingVerified
4 years agoUFC 4: Career Mode - Part 14 - No WAY I Keep The Belt in This Episode!Gunner GamingVerified
4 years agoZELDA II: The Adventure of Link - Part 4 - Drunk Traversing Midoro Palace!Gunner GamingVerified
4 years agoZELDA II: The Adventure of Link - Part 2 - The Return of Death Mountain!Gunner GamingVerified
4 years agoResident Evil 7: Biohazard - Part 1 - B*tch, How You Gonna Contact Me After 3 Years Gone?Gunner GamingVerified
4 years agoUFC 4: Career Mode - Part 6 - After the Biggest Win of Career, they Gave Me Todd Duffee?!Gunner GamingVerified
3 years agoCall of Duty: WWII - Part 2 - This Sh*t is Getting Intense! I Can't Aim For Crap!Gunner GamingVerified