2 years agoCapricorn♑ Your TWIN FLAME is NOT ACCEPTING TOXIC KARMIC in their life & going SOLO this HOLIDAY!Scorpio Moon Intuition
2 years agoGemini♊ BIG RISK, BIG REWARDS in LOVE & MONEY! Playing it safe won't get you nowhere. November 2022Scorpio Moon Intuition
2 years agoSagittarius♐ You are the one I been waiting for. I'm willing to lose it all to be with you. Nov 2022Scorpio Moon Intuition
2 years agoHow to Balance Hormones Naturally w/o Hormone Replacement Therapy... with Dr. Garrett Smith, NDwardee.com ~ Reveal your God-given natural beauty... without toxic lotions or creams!
2 years agoLeo♌ You started off as FRIENDS, BUT you both want a deeper relationship! Is this the one?Scorpio Moon Intuition
1 year agoLove Your Liver Livestream #102: More "vit" A = More PROSTATE CANCER, Parasite Testimonial, Q&A!NutritionDetective
2 years agoLeo♌ A soulmate wants more, BUT their FRIEND'S advice is sabotaging this connection!Scorpio Moon Intuition
2 years agoPisces♓ Free yourself! YOU can be with your TRUE LOVE if YOU want! November 2022Scorpio Moon Intuition
2 years agoCapricorn ♑ They are sorry for making you wait and will make it up to you! November 2022Scorpio Moon Intuition
2 years agoScorpio♏A past love wants to apologize, but will they make the effort? They think of you & love you!Scorpio Moon Intuition
2 years agoAries♈ Your TWIN FLAME renewed their vows to the karmic! 😠Because they feel you would reject them!Scorpio Moon Intuition
2 years ago🔥Twin Flame Reading🔥DMs past issues makes it hard for them to manifest UNION! DF love anyways.Scorpio Moon Intuition
2 years agoPisces♓ Your TWIN FLAME opens the door to their heart when they realize it was closed! Return of DM💗Scorpio Moon Intuition
2 years agoScorpio♏You will hear that your lover is going through a separation/divorce. Ending bring beginning!Scorpio Moon Intuition
2 years agoCancer♋ There's something you need to hear! They have been holding back to tell you their secret💌Scorpio Moon Intuition
2 years agoPisces♓ They feel this DEEP SOUL love between you! A spiritual awakening moment happens!Scorpio Moon Intuition
2 years agoAries ♈I'm sorry I left you, BUT let me make it up to you! | October 2022Scorpio Moon Intuition
2 years agoAries Full Moon - Astrology Forecast with Sunny - All signs are welcome!Scorpio Moon Intuition
2 years agoYou, Them & The Karmic Twin Flame Reading | What you need to know about the 3rd party? October 2022Scorpio Moon Intuition
2 years agoYou, Them & The Karmic Twin Flame Reading | What do you need to know about the 3rd party? Nov 2022Scorpio Moon Intuition
2 years agoVirgo♍They are sorry they lied to you! They secretly miss you & too proud to admit it. November 2022Scorpio Moon Intuition