2 years agoMessianic Prophecies: A Circumstantial Argument (Part 4)- Timing of the Messiah (Dan 9 & Haggai 2)realseekerministry
7 months agoDEBATE Is Transubstantiation Biblical (with Luis Dizon vs. Dale Glover)realseekerministry
2 years agoThe Argument for God from Beauty- (Dale Guest Stars on the Faith Unaltered Podcast)realseekerministry
9 months agoOrthodoxy: Divine Action & the Essence-Energies Distinction (w/ Dr. David Bradshaw)realseekerministry
2 years agoUnderstanding the Genesis Creation, Fall & Flood Accounts (with Omar F., Travis Worth & Bob Rucker)realseekerministry
1 year agoShroud Wars: Panel Review (Part 5)- The Bible & the Shroud (Larry Stalley & Ben Witherington)realseekerministry
1 year agoMessianic Prophecies-“Jesus or Bust: An Argument from Extraordinary Circumstances (on “1P3” Podcast)realseekerministry