1 year agoRunning ones with the gang! (w/@angelxdemon2012,@Slayz.W)(LiveStream) (OverWatch 2) (Part 3)2kZone_Elvis
1 year agoIs this game still fun in 2023!? (OverWatch 2) (w/@Slayz.W) (LiveStream) |Part 1|2kZone_Elvis
1 year agoI’m terrified of fucking CLOWNS!!! (Dead Island 2) (w/@Slayz.W) (Livestream) |Part 9| (1/2 Finale)2kZone_Elvis
2 years agoParallel Society- Building out from a planned saboteur collapse | Reject the Archon contract!Spirit of Admetos
1 year agoThe pain of making a simple cute girl anime style mv is more than I desire but less than I deserve 😔leolide