8 months ago( -0653 ) Japanese Medical Professor Warns Jab Tech Is A Dangerous Lie, FL Surgeon General (Jan 3) Says Don't Get Covid Jab, Geert Vanden Bossche Explains Why The Lies Continuefigisaacnewton
2 years agoMarch 2021 - McCullough / Vanden Bossche Interview - Part 1 - Intro by Jean-Pierre Kiekenscovexit.com - covid-19 news & policy analysis
7 months agoDer weltbekannte Virologe Geert Vanden Bossche: ernste Warnung an die Covid-geimpften Menschen🙈moonjunky
7 months agoCOVID-19 VAXXED: Imminent Tsunami of Death Among the Vaccinated, Virologist Dr Geert Vanden BosscheHillbilly Medical Adventures
2 years agoADE, Evolution Of Virus & Expected Excess Deaths – Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche with Maria Zeeetrueconservativeminutes
11 months agoSpeaking Naturally | Third Interview with Geert Vanden Bossche Phd, DVMAlliance for Natural Health InternationalVerified
7 months agoDr. Geert Vanden Bossche warns about Tsunami of Illness and Death among the VaccinatedwemediapatrolVerified
1 year agoDr. Rob Rennebohm Discusses Geert Vanden Bossche's New Book Which Warns Of Trouble AheadCLO2 Solutions
2 years agoMarch 2021 McCullough / Vanden Bossche Interview - Part 3 - Presentation by Dr. Peter McCulloughcovexit.com - covid-19 news & policy analysis
1 year agoDr. Geert Vanden Bossche to learn more about the implications of mass vaccination during a pandemicBiological Medicine