1. 2023 Kick-off with Apple Losing $2T with Big Option Trades on GLD and XLE

    2023 Kick-off with Apple Losing $2T with Big Option Trades on GLD and XLE

  2. Bulls Looking to Give Thanks but US Dollar may Run Off with the Turkey

    Bulls Looking to Give Thanks but US Dollar may Run Off with the Turkey

  3. Energy & Financials Lead, but the Flight to Quality has Begun

    Energy & Financials Lead, but the Flight to Quality has Begun

  4. From Boring to Thrilling: Unlocking the Power of Options Trading in a Flat Market

    From Boring to Thrilling: Unlocking the Power of Options Trading in a Flat Market

  5. Debt Ceiling Disco Heats Up Early as S&P Surges Most Pre-Earnings Since 2009

    Debt Ceiling Disco Heats Up Early as S&P Surges Most Pre-Earnings Since 2009
