The Unique Life of David Adair (4-Part Interview): From Child Prodigy to Area 51 Visitor to Forced Recruitment into the U.S. Navy to the Revelations of Moon Secrets and Suppressed Space Technologies! | Michael Salla, “Exopolitcs Today.
Conducting Diplomatic Negotiations Between Secret Space Programs and Extraterrestrials | Chris O'Connor Interviewed by Michael Salla on "Exopolitics Today"
Woman in the Moon (FULL 1929 Silent Film, and Spiritual Sequel to the 1927 Masterpiece “Metropolis”) | Director: Fritz Lang; Cast: Gerda Maurus, Fritz Rasp, Gustav von Wangenheim.
All The Presidents' Aliens (Full Documentary) | WE in 5D: NOTE—This is for Investigational/Sifting & Sorting Purposes ONLY. Do Not Dip into the Fear Mongering Vibration Which is the Marketing Factor of These Such Documentaries!