1 year ago@StevenDKelley, Oct. 5th, 2023. We need to work more on social media, and overall #OCCUPYTHEGETTYRamboKelley
1 year ago@StevenDKelley @USA Goes all in for Israel. It´s Use Them or Lose Them Time October 26th, 2023#OCCUPYTHEGETTY
1 year ago@StevenDKelley Part II @DonaldTrump Chabad & FelixSater aka @MoisheBond @Chabad Con Man, Spy#OCCUPYTHEGETTY
1 year ago@StevenDKelley #OCCUPYTHEGETTY on Super Con Man Charlie Ward on April 1st Fool´s Day, 2021#OCCUPYTHEGETTY