1. Its time to be Inclusive...Its time for all gun owners to stand up...

    Its time to be Inclusive...Its time for all gun owners to stand up...

  2. Lets get back to gun stuff for a few minutes....

    Lets get back to gun stuff for a few minutes....

  3. Firearms Instructors...make sure you choose wisely...

    Firearms Instructors...make sure you choose wisely...

  4. NRA...What do they think of you?...Leaked Audio...

    NRA...What do they think of you?...Leaked Audio...

  5. But when you hold it like this it's an assault rifle...and Deans thoughts on SIM's rounds...

    But when you hold it like this it's an assault rifle...and Deans thoughts on SIM's rounds...

  6. Shooting a retreating threat...Taran Tactical's demise...and the Virginia Rally

    Shooting a retreating threat...Taran Tactical's demise...and the Virginia Rally

  7. Christianity...Firearms and the Virginia 2A chess game..

    Christianity...Firearms and the Virginia 2A chess game..
