3 years agoRESIDENT EVIL 8: VILLAGE Walkthrough Gameplay Part 2 - LYCAN (FULL GAME)Gunner GamingVerified
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1 year agoOn the 22nd Vow of Amida Buddha - returning from the Pure Land to save all beingsJoshoAdrianCirlea
1 year agoOn the reality of Buddha nature and why we discover it only in the Pure Land of Amida BuddhaJoshoAdrianCirlea
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1 year agoOn the Nirvanic features of the inhabitants of the Pure Land which cannot be found "here and now"JoshoAdrianCirlea
1 year agoThe five conditions necessary for birth in the Pure Land of Amida Buddha, according to Rennyo ShoninJoshoAdrianCirlea
1 year agoThe Primal Vow of Amida is the ultimate teaching of Shakyamuni and all BuddhasJoshoAdrianCirlea
1 year agoThe difference between personal power (jiriki) and the Power of Amida Buddha (Tariki)JoshoAdrianCirlea
1 year agoThe ultimate goal of Shakyamuni and all Buddhas coming to this world is to teach about Amida BuddhaJoshoAdrianCirlea
1 year agoOn the 19th and 20th Vows of Amida Buddha and birth in the borderland of the Pure LandJoshoAdrianCirlea
1 year agoOn those without faith and Buddha’s teaching to do good in daily life & wish to be born in SukhavatiJoshoAdrianCirlea
1 year agoOn the authenticity of the Larger Sutra and the existence of Amida Buddha and His Pure LandJoshoAdrianCirlea