FBI Warns on Hackable Voting Machines; DNA in Food?; Poll: Election Fraud Concerns Americans with Mark Mitchell, Joe Hanneman, Tom Renz | The Breanna Morello Show
WATCH ON DEMAND! Nov.7,'24: Democrat Election Fraud FAIL. The Democrats had high hopes that ballot stuffing locally, vitriolic hate speech against Trump and the GOP, and poll rigging, would yield a victory. Meanwhile, the GOP played it straight.
#284 Those Who Vote Decide NOTHING...Those Who Count The Votes Decide EVERYTHING! Maricopa County ADMITS They Have No Chain Of Custody Reports For How Many Voters Checked-In! We CAN NOT Trust The FRAUDULENT Election Results!
E-POLL BOOK ELECTION FRAUD: Maricopa County Admits They Failed To Maintain Legal Voter Check-In Records On Nov 8th + A Recap Of EXPOSING The Most FRAUDULENT & CORRUPT Election In The History Of America!