The Fourth Industrial Revolution | "With the Rise of Brain Computer Interfaces It Is Very Likely People Will Literally Be Part of a Network. Your Own Immune System Depends On Being Constantly Connected to the Network." - Yuval
Peter Thiel | "Thiel Is Guiding J.D. Vance & Upon Announcement That Vance Would Serve As Trump's VP, People Involved w/ Paypal Mafia (Musk, Palantir) Announced They Would Be Donors to Campaign." - Webb | Pray for Trump!
Clay Clark Client Testimonials | "The Workshop Gave Tangible Systems, But It Was Very Entertaining & Interactive! Atmosphere Was Energizing, & Nothing Boring About It! People Are Now Calling Us Almost Every Single Day!"
Dr. Stella Immanuel | “Why Is Revelation So Hard for People to Grasp And to Read to Understand?” - Tucker Carlson + “COVID Was a Trojan Horse for the Vaccine, the Vaccine Is a Trojan Horse for Transhumanism.” - Dr. Stella