2 years ago☸ Leigh Brasington I Dependent Origination I 10 day meditation retreat I Day 7 ☸Buddhist Teachings
2 years ago☸ Leigh Brasington I Fruits of Spiritual Life I 10 day meditation retreat I Day 5 ☸Buddhist Teachings
2 years ago☸ Leigh Brasington I End of Mindfulness Sutta I 10 day meditation retreat I Day 9 ☸Buddhist Teachings
1 year ago☸ Chanmyay Sayadaw I Five mental Faculties 1/3 I Blue Mountain Retreat 6/10 ☸Buddhist Teachings
2 years ago☸ The longer Discourse on the Lion's Roar I MN 12 I MAJJHIMA NIKĀYA I 12/152 ☸Buddhist Teachings
1 year agoBIG FELLA (1937) Paul Robeson & Elisabeth Welch | Drama, Musical, Black Cinema | ColorizedLost n Found Films
1 year agoBIG FELLA (1937) Paul Robeson & Elisabeth Welch | Drama, Musical, Black Cinema | B&WLost n Found Films