3 years agoStar Citizen LIVE They're all on Jumptown , I'm going trading ! Laranit/Agricium around the universeStar Citizen Game
4 years agoStar Citizen IAE2950 Den třetí ANVIL Carrack Gladiator Pisces F7 F8 Arrow Ballista Hawk HurricaneStar Citizen Game
2 years ago🍀Star Citizen ...... 3.18 PTU Stress Test !!! Lots Of Exploding Ships And Bugs 🍀Star Citizen Game
1 year ago🍀 IVL 2053 skončil , jdeme se bavit 😎 + RSI Lynx / IVL 2053 done, let's have fun + RSI Lynx 🍀Star Citizen Game
3 years agoStar Citizen LIVE 3.16 Just few mission and check where is selling ships , looking for CarrackStar Citizen Game