1. Philosophy: An Introduction | Michael Huemer | The Socratic Sessions | Ep #7

    Philosophy: An Introduction | Michael Huemer | The Socratic Sessions | Ep #7

  2. DAY 70: "FAR BE IT FROM ME"- (1 Samuel 12:23) "It All Starts with God's Mercy!!!"

    DAY 70: "FAR BE IT FROM ME"- (1 Samuel 12:23) "It All Starts with God's Mercy!!!"

  3. Critical Thinking and Philosophy of Religion | Joe Schmid | The Socratic Sessions | Ep #5

    Critical Thinking and Philosophy of Religion | Joe Schmid | The Socratic Sessions | Ep #5

  4. The Book of Job, by Samuel Ridout, Jehovah's Testimony from Creation Job 38 - 42:6

    The Book of Job, by Samuel Ridout, Jehovah's Testimony from Creation Job 38 - 42:6

  5. 14. Samuel Gryning LIVE - Jäitä hattuun ja järki käteen.

    14. Samuel Gryning LIVE - Jäitä hattuun ja järki käteen.
