1 year agoIdol Killer Interview 2 Augustine’s Contribution to Penal-Substitutionary AtonementPaul Vendredi
1 year ago♎️Libra: This week brings the energy of someone from the past coming back to profess their feelings!MarveMadameTarot
1 year ago♑️ Capricorn: This week brings reflection on past betrayals from a specific person you once loved!MarveMadameTarot
1 year ago♋️ Cancer: This week brings a PAST love; they have TONS to say to win you back, but is it worth it?MarveMadameTarot
1 year ago♎️Libra:This week brings an energy of possible passion reconciliation; but you don't feel fulfilled!MarveMadameTarot
1 year ago♉️ Taurus: This week brings an energy of quick moving communication with regards of a past lover!MarveMadameTarot
1 year ago♌️ Leo: This week brings a peace offering from a past LOVE to clear the energy, they won't change!MarveMadameTarot
5 years agoN64 Game Changer - EON Gaming Super 64 Mod-Free Plug & Play HDMI Review! Featuring 12+ Games Tested!RoXolidProductions