THE EXTRATERRESTRIAL SERIES: “Scream” by Michael and Janet Jackson (a Revolutionary Video Directed by Mark Romanek) + Madonna and Janet Jackson’s Tribute to Michael at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards.
From Venus He Came with a Divine Plan in Mind: Valiant Thor—“Stranger at the Pentagon” (The Story is Often Seen by Some as an Opportunity for 5D Quickening Not Quite Ready Yet to be Taken Advantage of).
[MUST WATCH] Tartaria: The Pod People, The World's Fairs and a Rich Hidden Past, The Most Previous Great Reset That Took Place.. and Did We Shift to a Lower Timeline Nearly 2 Centuries Back?? | Journey to Truth Webinar
Bank Accounts Under Attack Worldwide — If it’s Not COLD HARD CASH it’s Still Digital | If You're Going to Do Anything Start Quietly While You Can [Bit by Bit] Not All at Once!
Metropolis — 1927 Groundbreaking Silent Film: A Sci-Fi Masterpiece by Fritz Lang Which Inspired and Influenced Visuals in Film From Then Forever on (Predictive, Filled w/ Esoteric Imagery) | Brigitte Helm, Gustav Fröhlich, Alfred Abel.
Happy Ishtar! 🐣🐇🌿 Ishtar (Easter)/Inanna/Nanna: Annunaki “Goddess” of [Sex 🐇], [Fertility 🐣], and [WAR/POWER 💪🏽]. — These are Not Figures to Hate NOR Worship. They’re JUST Archetypes. You May Even See Bits of Yourself in Them.