2 years agoThere are two things in life you can count on...your Faith and yourself! Saturday night LIVE Stream!IROCinZ
2 years agoI know, I know...its been a few weeks. Trying to be responsible...lmbo. Lets gab, shall we?IROCinZ
2 years agoWhat used to cost a dollar is now 4...ugh. How was everyones week?? Saturday Night Livestream!!IROCinZ
3 years agoU-Alberto Rivera OwayengumPristi WamaJesuit - Umgadi Wehhashi Elimhlophe we-Apocalypse - Ingxenye 2AlbertoRiveraExSacerdoteJesuita
2 years agoMessianic Prophecies: A Circumstantial Argument (Part 3)- Messiah's Atoning Death & Resurrectionrealseekerministry
4 years ago2 4 Band Servo Pin Setup, One of the most critical procedures on the 4L60e and 700R4 transmissions.IROCinZ
1 year agoUPADEK ZACHODU? Rozmowa z Pawłem Lisickim o Imperium SodomyDawid Mysior - Sprawki Okiem Katolika