5 months agoTime to Get Our Minds BACK! No more walking in INSANITY! Who/ What is Influencing YOU?UNMUZZLEDCHAT
5 months agoIs ***5G NUKING*** our Minds our Health!??? All the PROOF you need! Ignorance IS NOT BLISS!UNMUZZLEDCHAT
5 months agoCHAT with SCHUYLER & LUCAS (True Warriors for US & for GOD! Powerful Testimonies!)UNMUZZLEDCHAT
5 months agoWhy continue to Fight against this WAR when THE VERY ONES BEING ATTACKED DO NOTHING!!!UNMUZZLEDCHAT
5 months ago(Our Loving Creator) God is Faithful and True---Do you DARE TO BELIEVE HIM!?UNMUZZLEDCHAT
5 months agoCHAT with AMBER (Truth Seeker! Podcaster! TV Show Host! Warrior/ Powerful Story!)UNMUZZLEDCHAT
5 months agoCHAT with CHARLES (NAVY Vet/ Intelligence Specialist/ Aerospace Tech/ TruthBombs! PowerfulTestimony)UNMUZZLEDCHAT
4 months agoOur "GOV" is waging WAR on (We The People) AMERICANS! **All the PROOF YOU NEED!**UNMUZZLEDCHAT
4 months agoAre you Seriously *DUMB Enough* to Completely Ignore the WAR being waged on you/ loved ones???UNMUZZLEDCHAT
4 months agoSTOP Lying to yourself and others!!! If you "LOVED THEM" you would ILIMINATE ALL THREATS!UNMUZZLEDCHAT
4 months agoDo you want to Die? Do want to be fully Enslaved? Information War Tactics are achieving just that!UNMUZZLEDCHAT
4 months ago**NEVER SEEN** Behind the Scenes Operations Unmuzzled Chat in the Wilderness!UNMUZZLEDCHAT
4 months agoChat with John/ Forgotten Soldiers (Proof the "COVID Vaccine" was ILLEAGAL/ CRIMINAL) They LIED TO YOUUNMUZZLEDCHAT
4 months ago**WAR** is upon us YET too many want to plug back into the MATRIX! Not today SATAN!UNMUZZLEDCHAT
4 months agoTime to take YOUR Health Seriously/ Freedom/ Free Speech platforms Seriously! Time to Fight Back!UNMUZZLEDCHAT
4 months agoChat with Autumn (Journalist/ Proves her Patriotism through Action! Truth BOMBS!UNMUZZLEDCHAT
4 months agoArizona **NEW** Election Fraud! Truth is we are up against something far Bigger than our ELECTION!UNMUZZLEDCHAT
4 months ago"Hindsight is always 2020" Do we Choose to be "Enslaved" or Do we Choose to fight for Freedom!UNMUZZLEDCHAT
4 months agoPINCH ME! How is this the World we are all Living in? We ALL have a opportunity to Unite Right NOW!UNMUZZLEDCHAT
4 months agoWhat is your Purpose? Why are you Here? Do you Value Your Life? Powerful message from The CHURCHUNMUZZLEDCHAT