2 years agoFr Chris Alar Homily - The Church's Teaching on Voting - Who You Can and Can't Vote for and WhyDivine Mercy for America
1 year agoFawn Pendegrass - Divine Mercy for America Online Prayer Meeting and Adoration for Our NationDivine Mercy for America
1 year agoAntonia Acutis & Barb Ernster - Spending Time with Our Greatest Gift - Jesus in the Holy EucharistDivine Mercy for America
1 year agoHugh Brown - American Life League - The Fruits of the Holy Spirit Series - FaithfulnessDivine Mercy for America
6 months agoSeptember 2 - Holy Hour of Prayer & Adoration Novenas for our Countries - Pray the Divine Mercy WayDivine Mercy for America
5 months agoSeptember 3 - Holy Hour of Prayer & Adoration Novenas for our Countries - Pray the Divine Mercy WayDivine Mercy for America
1 year agoFr. Matthew Tomeny, MIC - Fr John de Brebeuf, Fr Isaac Jogues and the North American MartyrsDivine Mercy for America
1 year agoYour Spirit Guides are Communicating ~ Jupiter and Chiron Align ~ Transition ~ Violet Flamewhitegoldeagle
1 year agoFr Clay Hunt speaks at Life Chain SA - Divine Mercy Monthly NovenasDivine Mercy for America
1 year agoBr John Blazo presents Being a 'Missioner' with Bl Stanley Rother and Servant of God Fr CapodannoDivine Mercy for America
1 year agoThe March Equinox and Bringing Heaven to Earth ~ Manifestation of Sacred Union & Heart Resurrectionwhitegoldeagle
1 year agoSt. Mother Theodore Guerin - Video Presentation by Sisters of Providence of St. Mary of the WoodsDivine Mercy for America
1 year agoDr Peter Howard - St Juan Diego, Venerable Fulton Sheen, Our Lady of Guadalupe and the New PentecostDivine Mercy for America
1 year agoScott Carter - Fr Emil Kapaun - Heroic Servant of God in the Korean War and Prison CampDivine Mercy for America
1 year agoEverything Prepared You for This! PURE LANDS SPHERE ~ PLUTO SHIFTS INTO AQUARIUS - Soul Alchemistwhitegoldeagle
1 year agoSr. Faustina Maria Pia, S.V., The Gift of Fortitude, Divine Mercy Prayer Meeting Novena, May 8, 2023Divine Mercy for America
1 year agoFr. Vijaya Amrutha raj, Announcing the Divine Mercy for India YouTube ChannelDivine Mercy for America