MILITARY TRIBUNALS NOW! Arizona Government Officials Are Usurping & Trespassing Against The People AND Have No Authority To Be In Office…NO OATHS...The REAL Insurrection! + Our Elections Are Unconstitutional – This Court Case Proves It All!
#300 Maricopa County NOV 8 Election Fraud & Maladministration MARATHON! 5 Hours Of Evidence…EXPOSING The County’s Official Election Returns, Records & Documents! The ONLY Way To Win NOV 5 Is To SET ASIDE NOV 8…Kari & Abe Can Do It NOW!
ARIZONA REP. LIZ HARRIS: Arizona Will Be The First Domino To Fall WITH YOUR HELP + Grassroots vs GOP Rino Establishment - Decision vs Division & AZ UPDATES
#40 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: MIKE GILL & BRENDON O'CONNELL - Silicon Valley Bank "Collapsed" Because It's A Child Sex Slave & Drug Trafficking Money Laundering Center. They Were "Tipped Off" - Truth Was Coming Out