1 year agoLisa Schermerhorn: Must See Interview With Visionary Laura Eisenhower!GrassRootsWarriorNetworkVerified
1 year agoMust See! Psychic Medium, Solves Murders and Mysterious DeathsGrassRootsWarriorNetworkVerified
8 months agoHoney C Golden and The Venus Twins Discuss Becoming SovereignGrassRootsWarriorNetworkVerified
1 year agoUrogenital Surgical Procedures _ Sound therapy session _ Sounds of natureBIORESONANCE SOUND THERAPY
4 months agoEp. 452 - They Round The Corner Into The Home StretchAmerican Perspective with Rick ThomasVerified
9 months agoCommunication from Luna the Dog, LifeWave for Animals, Soul Retrievals for AnimalsWhere Truth Lies with Lisa Schermerhorn
10 months agoStephanie Mehle - Healer's Healer - Shaman Interdimensional HealerGrassRootsWarriorNetworkVerified
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1 year agoFascinating Interview with Joe and Scott of TruthstreamWhere Truth Lies with Lisa Schermerhorn
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7 months agoAnimal Communicator Michele Lowry, Healer Lisa Schermerhorn on the Divinity of Intuitive Pet SpeakWhere Truth Lies with Lisa Schermerhorn
11 months agoSandra Corcoran - Time Travel, ET's, Abduction, Vaxx Repair and Spiritual TravelGrassRootsWarriorNetworkVerified
1 year agoStephanie Mehle - Healer's Healer - Shaman Interdimensional HealerWhere Truth Lies with Lisa Schermerhorn
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9 months agoCovid Vaccine Healing, Blood Samples Before and AfterWhere Truth Lies with Lisa Schermerhorn
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4 months agoAmino acid metabolism disorders_Sound therapy session_Sounds of natureBIORESONANCE SOUND THERAPY