2 years agoManwich presents: The Real Story Behind Aliens U.F.O'.s Demons and the Illuminati (Full Documentary)TheManwichShow
7 months agoWilliam Cooper - HOTT - Disarmament in the US- public law 87-297 - 4.6.93Deus Meum Que Jus
5 months agoMark of the Beast/Microchip - In 1991 Bill Cooper Told Us This In His Book "Behold A Pale Horse"HebrewIsraelitesHolland
8 months agoWilliam Cooper - HOTT - Baha'ism, Ba'hai & Theosophy - 6.14.96 & 6.17.96Deus Meum Que Jus
8 months agoWilliam Cooper - HOTT - Election Day & Ready for Election? - 11.6.00 & 11.7.00Deus Meum Que Jus