Earth without Oil, Remote Viewing BEYOND 2023 and Timeline Shifts Vs. Creating Your Reality [YOU ARE Creating the Timeline Shifts!!] — Note: The Information Given on Remote Viewing is EXACTLY the Same Way to Understand the Use of Tarot! | Gregg Braden
From Venus He Came with a Divine Plan in Mind: Valiant Thor—“Stranger at the Pentagon” (The Story is Often Seen by Some as an Opportunity for 5D Quickening Not Quite Ready Yet to be Taken Advantage of).
Why the Rightwing is it’s Own Worst Enemy (Drama, Accusations, Low Creativity/Limited Art, Self-Imposed Depression), Why Liberals Have an Advantage, and the Lack of Understanding Light & Dark. FINALLY—Open Discussions, Solutions, Celebrations!
ASCENSION | Your BEST Understanding of The Matrix—and it’s Relation to the Balancing of Your Masculine/Feminine Energy, and Unhealthy Patterns Caused by the Lack of Balance!
When [Cluelessly Asleep, or Deliberately Evil] Illuminati-Establishment Indoctrinated Doctors Won't Prescribe the Ivermectin You Need.. Here's What You Do!