2 years agoJuly 10, 2022-Watchman News- Phil 1:6 - Sri Lanka Pres to Resign, Russian Nuke Sub -Wormwood & More!trevisdampierministries
1 month agoROMANS # 389, God's promise: You cannot lose your salvation. Ephesians 2:8-9 (1-16-25)countrybiblechurchbrenham
2 years agoAug 16, 2022-Watchman News-2 Cor 7:1- Georgia Grand Jury Subpoena, New Explosions hit Crimea & More!trevisdampierministries
2 years agoDec 5, 2022-Watchman News-John 10:7-Operation Green Agenda, Dead animals Bible Prophecy Link & More!trevisdampierministries
2 years agoJuly 17, 2022-Watchman News-Rom 1:16-Name of God on Wall- Grace Removed, Anapa Sea turns Red & More!trevisdampierministries
2 years agoNov 17, 2022-Watchman News-Psalm 119:105-NATO Blames Russia for Strike, Multiple Iran Strikes & Moretrevisdampierministries
2 years agoJuly 1, 2022- Watchman News - Rom 12:3 - Russia's Space Weapon, Putin - Emergency War Powers & More!trevisdampierministries
2 years agoJuly 20, 2022-Watchman News-1 John 1:7- Putin, Khamenei & Erdogan Alliance, Frogs Revelation & More!trevisdampierministries
2 years agoJune 30, 2022-Watchman News- Zech 14:9 - Revived Roman Empire, Ten Horns - NATO Middle East & More!trevisdampierministries
2 years agoAug 29, 2022-Watchman News - Gal 3:28 - The Fall Coming in September - Market Collapse & War & More!trevisdampierministries
2 years agoSept 3, 2022-Watchman News-Isaiah 48:17-Nord Stream stopped, US ARMS sell-1.1 Bln to Taiwan & More!trevisdampierministries
2 years agoSept 29, 2022-Watchman News-John 3:20-21-Turkey decision against Greece, Iran attacks Kurds & More!trevisdampierministries
2 years agoNov 25, 2022-Watchman News- Colossians 3:17 - US says Turkey 'directly threatened' US Troops & More!trevisdampierministries
2 years agoNov 29, 2022-Watchman News-Psalm 136:1,26- Iran threatens West, Israel & US host 'Air Drill' & More!trevisdampierministries
2 years agoDec 2, 2022-Watchman News-Hebrews 1:1-2-BRICS new Global Pay Card, 'Baby Wormhole' at Google & More!trevisdampierministries
2 years agoNov 8, 2022-Watchman News-Joshua 24:15 - 2021 - 2025 Blood Moon Tribulation Date Connections & More!trevisdampierministries
1 year agoMorning Reads: Matthew 21:1-11, Philippians 4:4-9 & John 12:1-18- Palm Sunday: “The Messianic King”Campbellfamily07
2 years agoSept 13, 2022-Watchman News-1 Pet 3:8- Azerbaijan strikes Armenian Border, Sept 24th Warning & More!trevisdampierministries
2 years agoJuly 28, 2022-Watchman News - Phil 3:14 - Plagues of Egypt Confirmation, USS Regan to Taiwan & More!trevisdampierministries
2 years agoAug 3, 2022-Watchman News-1 Samuel 16:7- BRICS to own Gas Exports, Russia-Iran support China & More!trevisdampierministries
2 years agoOct 26, 2022-Watchman News-2 Timothy 3:16-17- Noah Timeline Begins, Eclipse means 'Bad Omen' & More!trevisdampierministries
2 years agoSept 24, 2022-Watchman News- Heb 10:35-36 - Putin readies 'Flying Chernobyl', 9/11 on Julian & More!trevisdampierministries
2 years agoOct 28, 2022-Watchman News-1 Pet 1:24-25- Rev 13 Revealed - 7 Heads & 10 Horns - Beast Image & More!trevisdampierministries