UC San Diego: "Christian" Uses the F-Bomb, Contending with Muslims, Ministering to Genuine Christians, Proving the Bible True to Atheists, Drawing More Crowds, Great Questions, Jesus is Exalted To Thousands On Campus!
Texas A&M: Small Crowds, Very Civil Students, Many Great Conversations, Jesus Is Exalted, One of The Best Days I've Ever Had On Campus Preaching the Gospel!
University of South Florida: Great Conversation w/ A Humble Student, Contending With Several Hypocrites & Muslims, Jesus is Exalted (Thursday's Preaching)
Louisiana State Univ: Yet ANOTHER Street Preacher Joins Me On Campus, I Manage To Incite A Luke Warm Christian To Start Preaching to My Crowd, The Gospel of Jesus Christ Shines Forth!!!
UT Knoxville: Angry Atheist Screams In My Face, Agnostic Returns But Another Brother Contends w/ Him, Draws A Crowd, Skeptics Hunger For Truth, Christians Ask About Holiness, A Great Day Of Preaching!
Return to Arizona State University: Former Catholic Asks Many Sincere Questions, Older Man Hurls Insults and Gets In My Face, Jesus Christ is Preached To Thousands of Students (Monday's Preaching)
Trump Issues New Ultimatum To Hamas, Truther Movement Now Blaming Epstein List Debacle On Israel, Tractor Supply Injecting Chicks With MRNA, Zelensky Flip Flops, Trump Freezes Ukraine Missiles, Trump Deploys 2500 Troops to Mexican Border, Daniel 8:9
University of Maryland: Brother Elijah (Former Trans Woman) Joins Me & His Controversial Sign Draws Hundreds, Massive Crowds, Contending w/ Muslims, Trans, Sodomites, Atheists, Loud-Mouthed Jezebels & Hypocrites, A Totally Wild Day!