3 years agoHow much have guitars REALLY changed? Epiphone 50s LP for Gigging? - Live Q&AinthebluesVerified
2 years agoMicro Van (SE1 E16) New MGP on the van and a trip to Logan Steel in Torrington, CTMotoCheez
2 years agoAdvice for Booking Gigs | Vox or Peavey Better? | Media Format Talk (VHS etc)inthebluesVerified
2 years agoMicro Van (SE1 E20) Changing the Universal joint, the noise still there. Driveshaft video underneathMotoCheez
2 years agoMicro Van (SE2 E04) Trip to Roxbury Connecticut. Iron Mine hill preserve (1865 to 1872) w, JeffroMotoCheez
4 years agoReformed Guitar Snob, Are High-End Pickups REALLY Worth it? - ITB PodcastinthebluesVerified
2 years agoMicro Van (SE2 E08) 2022 HVNY Imports, Northeast RHD Fall cruise. Sweet rides, Awesome people!MotoCheez