1 year agoThe Signal for Real Relief - Mike Hammond, Lisa Hill and Kim Olson - Day 1The Jim Bakker Show
2 years agoThoracic Outlet Syndrome _ Bioresonance Sound Therapy _ Sounds of NatureBIORESONANCE SOUND THERAPY
2 years agoSerotonin Syndrome _ Bioresonance Sound Therapy _ Sounds of NatureBIORESONANCE SOUND THERAPY
3 months agoPeripheral Nervous System Diseases_Sound therapy session_Sounds of natureBIORESONANCE SOUND THERAPY
2 years agoUlnar Nerve Compression _ Bioresonance Sound Therapy _ Sounds of NatureBIORESONANCE SOUND THERAPY
7 months agoGlossopharyngeal Neuralgia_Sound therapy session_Sounds of natureBIORESONANCE SOUND THERAPY
6 months agoHidradenitis Suppurativa_Sound therapy session_Sounds of natureBIORESONANCE SOUND THERAPY