1 year ago[48] Faith in God: Is it essential for your spiritual growth? Are you blocking healing & miracles!The Way Back (w/ Mark Zaretti)Verified
6 months agoFormer Illuminati Leo Zagami on Middle East and Russia/Ukraine tensions.michaelj5326Verified
2 months agoLive Melsmon Placenta Chest Meso, Stem Cells & Growth Factors, AceCosm.com and code Jessica10 SavesWannabeBeautyGuru
8 months agoJoe Biden's days are numbered as son convicted of felonies and the satanists lose control.michaelj5326Verified
5 months agoLive Laennec EVERYWHERE! Wannabe Beauty Guru! AceCosm.com and code Jessica10 saves you MoneyWannabeBeautyGuru
1 month agoLive Laennec Neck Meso and LA Fire Update (I am ok), AceCosm.com and code Jessica10 savesWannabeBeautyGuru
2 months agoLive Hanheal Exosome Neck Mesotherapy & Giveaway! Acecosm.com sale code Jessica10 savesWannabeBeautyGuru
2 months agoLive Younger Looking Hands with Hanheal Exosomes, AceCosm.com and code Jessica10 Saves you $WannabeBeautyGuru
1 year agoBlock-Buster Prophecy! The Wealth Transference is Biblical! ~XRP Dave & Dr. Kia PruittDr. Kia PruittVerified
11 months agoA massive attack coming on American soil that will dwarf 9/11? Will Americans then rise up against the Deep State and annihilate them?michaelj5326Verified
10 months agoDid Navy SEAL's secretly set the thermite charges on the Baltimore bridge White Hat Op?michaelj5326Verified
10 months agoThe great granddaughter of President Eisenhower on secret alliance against Nazi/Draco and much more.michaelj5326Verified
9 months agoFalse Flags throughout the world that take away gun rights all have similarities.michaelj5326Verified
9 months agoInfiltration and disinformation everywhere as potential raids to takedown deep state actors loom.michaelj5326Verified
8 months agoThere are no separate governments we are already controlled by Khazarian Mafia.michaelj5326Verified
8 months agoOle Dammegard joins me to speak about current events and we give specifics on how to defeat the dark entities trying to control the world..michaelj5326Verified
8 months agoUS missiles with US satellite guidance explode over Crimean beach killing children. CIA backed terrorists slit the throat of priest and hold innocent people hostage in Russian city.michaelj5326Verified
7 months agoMyths of the Lincoln Assassination playbook tied to today's Deep State discussed by Author James Perloff and Ole Dammegard.michaelj5326Verified
7 months agoIntuitive Insights on coming Earthquakes, Storms, Economy, Plandemics and elections.michaelj5326Verified
7 months agoWill Bank of America crash, will Mid East war crash the economy, Recession beginning?michaelj5326Verified
8 months agoThe false narrative created by zionists that create war and historical lies.michaelj5326Verified
5 months agoFormer Military Psyops Scott Bennett and I discuss will Russia be forced by NATO to duke it out with nukes?michaelj5326Verified
3 months agoLive Bruise Flushing with Laennec, AceCosm.com |Wannabe Beauty Guru| Code Jessica10 saves you MoneyWannabeBeautyGuru