2 years agoDeuteronomy chapter 1 (Devarim): Wake me up inside #mariespeaksgodsgrace #torah #bible #newyearMarie Speaks G-D's Grace
2 years agoPodcast audio Devarim ch 3: Come on man, let's talk this out! #mariespeaksgodsgrace #promiselandMarie Speaks G-D's Grace
3 years agoLIVE: Vienna - AT Corona sceptics hold rally against COVID-19 restrictions and mandatory vaccinationdemonstration
2 years agoThe Choice is yours.... Eikev (If you obey) Devarim 7:12 thru 11:25Marie Speaks G-D's Grace
2 years agofull class Devarim ch 4 HaShem. He is G-D! There is none beside Him!Marie Speaks G-D's Grace
2 years agoDevarim (Eikev) 10 What’s in the blood is not always what is in the heart and 11: Be Strong!!!!!:Marie Speaks G-D's Grace
2 years agoIs Christianity Rome 325 and therefore Canaanite Cult ? Devarim Ch 8 and Ch 9 #fullclass #exposedMarie Speaks G-D's Grace
2 years agoFull class: Devarim (Deuteronomy) Ch 5: By the way…… The Law! #lawandorder #love #travelMarie Speaks G-D's Grace
2 years agoDevarim ch 7 verses 1 thru 11: Va-Etchanan "Their alters shall you break apart" #mariespeaks009Marie Speaks G-D's Grace
3 years agoA Evolução dos Robôs Autônomos - Tesla Bot, o Robô Humanoide do Elon Musk | O Futuro Chegando?oLutriZ - Um pouco de tudo sobre Tecnologia
2 years agoUma playlist INSPIRADORA com músicas para ouvir a qualquer momento! Deixe a ANSIEDADE de lado!Plus! Channel