2 years agoDigimon Ghost Game Ep 50 reaction #DigimonGhostGame #DigimonGhostGamereaction #Digimonanime #Digimonshadyhafez
2 years agoSugar Apple Fairy Tale episode 4 reaction #SugarAppleFairyTale #sugarapple #砂糖林檎 #シュガーアップルフェアリーテイルshadyhafez
1 year agoSpy Classroom season 2 and Shield Hero season 3 and Tearmoon Empire and Giji Harem and Tougen Ankishadyhafez
3 years agoDetective Conan The Fourteenth Target reaction #CaseClosed #MeitanteiConan #DetectiveConan #Conanshadyhafez
3 years agoDetective Conan Ep 1029 reaction #名探偵コナン警察学校編 #名侦探柯南 #DetectiveConan #WildPoliceStory #名探偵コナン #名侦探柯南shadyhafez
1 year agoMushoku Tensei S2 and SpyFamily S2 and bluelock S2 and Four Knights of the Apocalypse anime newsshadyhafez
2 years agoTensei Oujo Ep 6 reaction #TenseiOujotoTensaiReijounoMahouKakumeiepisode6 #TenseiOujoepisode6shadyhafez
2 years agoOne Piece episode 1051 reaction #OnePiece1051 #OnePieceep1051 #OnePieceepisode1051 #onepieceanimeshadyhafez
2 years agoTensei Oujo Ep 4 reaction #TenseiOujotoTensaiReijounoMahouKakumeiepisode4 #TenseiOujoepisode4shadyhafez
2 years agoFuufu Ijou Koibito Miman ep 9 reaction #FuufuIjouKoibitoMiman #MorethanaMarriedCouplebutNotLoversshadyhafez
2 years agoonii-chan is done for episode 6 reaction #おにまい #OniichanwaOshimai #ONIMAIImNowYourSister #お兄ちゃんはおしまいshadyhafez
2 years agoKoukyuu no Karasu episode 9 reaction #KoukyuunoKarasu #KoukyuunoKarasureaction#RavenoftheInnerPalaceshadyhafez
2 years agoI'm the Villainess So Im Taming the Final Boss Ep 10 reaction #ImtheVillainessSoImTamingtheFinalBossshadyhafez
2 years agoIce Guy And The Cool Female Colleague episode 4 reaction #TheIceGuyandHisCoolFemaleColleagueepisode4shadyhafez
2 years agoLegend of Mana The Teardrop Crystal Ep 6 reaction #legendofmana #legendofmanaremastered #LoMアニメ#聖剣伝説shadyhafez
2 years agoNieRAutomata Ver1 1a episode 1 reaction #NieRAutomataVer11a#NieRAutomataVer11aepisode1#nierautomatashadyhafez
1 year agoIsekai Nonbiri Nouka ep 10 reaction #IsekaiNonbiriNoukaepisode10 #FarmingLifeinAnotherWorldepisode10shadyhafez
2 years agoShadowverse Flame ep 35 reaction #ShadowverseFlame #Shadowverse#Shadowverseanime#シャドウバース#シャドウバースFshadyhafez
2 years agoBeast Tamer episode 12 reaction #BeastTamer #YuushaParty #勇者パーティーを追放されたビーストテイマー最強種の猫耳少女と出会う #ビステマshadyhafez
2 years agoBy the Grace of the Gods Season 2 episode 5 reaction #BytheGraceoftheGods#KamitachiniHirowaretaOtokoshadyhafez
2 years agoTondemo Skill De Isekai Hourou Meshi chapter 1-30 reaction #TondemoSkilldeIsekaiHourouMeshishadyhafez
2 years agoFate/strange Fake chapter 1-17 reaction #strangefake #FatestrangeFake #FatestrangeFakeWhispersofDawnshadyhafez
2 years agoTomo chan wa Onnanoko episode 3 reaction #TomochanwaOnnanokoepisode4 #TomochanisaGirlepisode4 #animeshadyhafez
2 years agoDigimon Ghost Game Ep 57 reaction #DigimonGhostGame #DigimonGhostGamereaction #Digimonanime #digimonshadyhafez