9 months agoTHE LAWZ | Returns!!! You won't believe what they have been up to...BlacklightrevelationsVerified
5 months agoTHE LAWZ! | Sentances wiped for Elijah McClain EMT & Tyreek Hill cop questions!!!BlacklightrevelationsVerified
1 month agoAUG14 2024: He caused a storm upon the true Mount Sinai, Jabel al Lawz. God split open THE SPHERE.FaultlineGrace5607
1 month agoThey put a hedge of protection around Jabal al-Lawz (God set a boundary limit for His essence).FaultlineGrace5607
1 month agoJabal al-Lawz! YHVH spoke to Moses Mitchell In the secret place of thunder. Behold, Midian!FaultlineGrace5607
1 year agoTHE LAWZ | Officer Eric Adams VETO results & reinforcement of THE AMERICAN WAY!BlacklightrevelationsVerified
1 year agoUNDOCUMENTED! CRIMECAST | NYC lit! The lawz keep taking Ls to the UNDOCS!BlacklightrevelationsVerified
1 year agoERIC ADAMS | He wants to make NYC a sanctuary city for THE LAWZ!BlacklightrevelationsVerified
1 year agoThe Lawz VI | LIBERAL WOKE CALIFORNIA! Does San Jose surprise anyone at this point?BlacklightrevelationsVerified
1 year agoThe Lawz VIII | The police DO NOT CALL list, and the Sunset Parks on Eric Adams career.BlacklightrevelationsVerified
1 year agoTHE LAWZ | Robocopz & the DYSTOPIAN future of LAW ENFORCEMENT!BlacklightrevelationsVerified
2 years agoVegas Valley Community Watch / Delete LawZ has Major Victory in Court / Team Skeptic In HidingVegasValleyCommunityWatch