3 years agoNovember 21, 2021, THE ENTRANCE OF THE THEOTOKOS INTO THE TEMPLE | GREEK ORTHODOX DIVINE LITURGYGreek Orthodox Church St. Isidoroi, Athens, Greece
3 years agoAugust 31, 2021 | Placing of the Honorable Sash of the Most Holy Theotokos | Orthodox Divine LiturgyGreek Orthodox Church St. Isidoroi, Athens, Greece
29 days agoMischievous Gosling: Tales of Wild Geese and Clever Rabbits | Animal Fables and Folklore StoriesRebelliousSea
3 years agoOctober 28, 2021, The Holy Protection of the Theotokos & Ohi Day | Greek Orthodox Divine LiturgyGreek Orthodox Church St. Isidoroi, Athens, Greece