Business | How to Manage the Payroll & Accounting of a Business | Abdicate Vs. Delegate, the Path to Successful Payroll Processing + "Why You Can't Delegate Financials & Cashflow." - Sharon Lechter, CPA (Co-author of Rich Dad Poor D
Tony Robbins' CO-CEO Dean Graziosi | The 3 Components That Distinguish Millionaires from Everyone Else + 10 Principles You Can Use This Year!!! + Tim Tebow Joins Clay Clark's June 27-28 Business Workshop! 18 Tix Remain)
Incoming Border Czar Suggests Criminal Aliens ‘Self Deport’/‘We Know Who You Are/Democrats Now Facing Charges They Are the Ones Trying to Destroy Democracy/Governor Mike Huckabee is New U.S. Ambassador to Israel/ Fauci Received a $15 Million Taxpaye