We the people are "The Storm" and Tactical Civics along with Constitutionally focused militias are unstoppable and will take back the Republic of America.
Entrepreneurship | Why You Must Sell Something Or Your Business Will Fail + Sales 101 + Celebrating 4 Clay Clark Client Success Stories + Join Tebow At Clay Clark's Dec. 5-6 Workshop!
Business Coach | Why You Must Be Organized to Create An Organization + The Importance of Documenting Your Processes & Systems In An Actionable & Scalable Way + Tim Tebow Joins Clay Clark's Dec 5-6 Business Workshop!
The Rapture/Great Solar Flash — Nostradamus Effect (S1E12) | WEin5D Tips: 1. FLASH is Perspective, 2. YOUR Christ Consciousness is Your Divine Protection (Not an Archetype—SO DO THE WORK), 3. You're Living the Tribulations NOW—You're Fine!