ONE A.I. TO RULE THEM ALL: Elon Musk Rightly Attacks Sam Altman’s $500 Billion "Stargate" Proposal After President Trump Meets With Lords Of A.I., + Oracle Co-Founder Larry Ellison Promotes Project's mRNA Cancer Vaccines!
False Flag Terror Attacks Are Being Planned Against Migrant Protests As The Trigger For A Globalist Funded Race-Based Color Revolution Designed To Drive DJT From Office Through Civil War!
CHRISTMAS EVE EMERGENCY BROADCAST: Now The Biden Administration Is Hyping A Nuclear Sneak Attack By Pakistan Against America! Alex Jones Warns They Could Be Laying The Groundwork For A False Flag! — FULL SHOW (12/24/24)
🚨 HOMELAND TERROR ALERT 🚨 Federal Whistleblowers Warn That The Outgoing Biden Admin Was Aware Of Impending ISIS Attacks And Allowed Them To Happen! Counter-Terrorism Experts Warn More Attacks IMMINENT!
🚨 COUP ALERT 🚨 Illuminati Planning to Install Harris in Presidency Before President Trump’s Inauguration, Trump Then Would Be Conveniently Assassinated, and Next False Flag Terror Attacks Would Provide the Cover to Declare Martial Law (11/10/24)
🚨 NUCLEAR TERRORISM ALERT 🚨 Federal Helicopters Search DC For Signs Of Radioactive Material THREE DAYS Before The Inauguration Of President Trump! The FBI Has Also Issued A Warning That Terrorists May Be Planning An Attack! — FULL SHOW (1/17/25)