1. 65 True Glitch in the Matrix Stories from Hallow’s Eve | October 2023

    65 True Glitch in the Matrix Stories from Hallow’s Eve | October 2023

  2. 😴 15 Sleep Stories / Glitch Stories / Reddit Stories - Weekly Compendium [December 12th, 2022]

    😴 15 Sleep Stories / Glitch Stories / Reddit Stories - Weekly Compendium [December 12th, 2022]

  3. 70 Glitch Stories That Will Make You Rethink Life 📖 May 2023

    70 Glitch Stories That Will Make You Rethink Life 📖 May 2023

  4. 😴 9 Sleep Stories / Glitch Stories / Reddit Stories - Weekly Compendium [August 15th 2022]

    😴 9 Sleep Stories / Glitch Stories / Reddit Stories - Weekly Compendium [August 15th 2022]

  5. 39. Stunde zur Weltgeschichte - Um 375 Millionen Jahre vor heute

    39. Stunde zur Weltgeschichte - Um 375 Millionen Jahre vor heute

  6. 😴11 Sleep Stories / Glitch Stories / Reddit Stories - Weekly Compendium [July 18th 2022]

    😴11 Sleep Stories / Glitch Stories / Reddit Stories - Weekly Compendium [July 18th 2022]

  7. 😴 13 Sleep Stories / Glitch Stories / Reddit Stories - Weekly Compendium [August 8th 2022]

    😴 13 Sleep Stories / Glitch Stories / Reddit Stories - Weekly Compendium [August 8th 2022]

  8. 18.01.2024 Sternfahrt BVB Logistik & Verkehr, Ankunft und Mahnwache. Julian Assange Kundgebung

    18.01.2024 Sternfahrt BVB Logistik & Verkehr, Ankunft und Mahnwache. Julian Assange Kundgebung

  9. 😴11 Sleep Stories / Glitch Stories / Reddit Stories - Weekly Compendium [July 4th 2022]

    😴11 Sleep Stories / Glitch Stories / Reddit Stories - Weekly Compendium [July 4th 2022]

  10. Unwissenheit und Materialismus... Ein Reicher und ein Armer im Jenseits ❤️ Das Buch des wahren Lebens Unterweisung 41 / 366

    Unwissenheit und Materialismus... Ein Reicher und ein Armer im Jenseits ❤️ Das Buch des wahren Lebens Unterweisung 41 / 366

  11. 😴 9 Sleep Stories / Glitch Stories / Reddit Stories - Weekly Compendium [September 12th 2022]

    😴 9 Sleep Stories / Glitch Stories / Reddit Stories - Weekly Compendium [September 12th 2022]

  12. 😴12 Sleep Stories / Glitch Stories / Reddit Stories - Weekly Compendium [June 13th 2022]

    😴12 Sleep Stories / Glitch Stories / Reddit Stories - Weekly Compendium [June 13th 2022]

  13. 😴 10 Sleep Stories / Glitch Stories / Reddit Stories - Weekly Compendium [May 2nd 2022]

    😴 10 Sleep Stories / Glitch Stories / Reddit Stories - Weekly Compendium [May 2nd 2022]

  14. 💤 12 Sleep Stories / Glitch Stories - Weekly Compendium [February 14th 2022]

    💤 12 Sleep Stories / Glitch Stories - Weekly Compendium [February 14th 2022]

  15. Covid 19 - Test ist unspezifisch - Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg | VÖ: 26.03.2020

    Covid 19 - Test ist unspezifisch - Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg | VÖ: 26.03.2020

  16. 💤 10 Sleep Stories / Glitch Stories - Weekly Compendium [March 7th 2022]

    💤 10 Sleep Stories / Glitch Stories - Weekly Compendium [March 7th 2022]

  17. 💤 12 Sleep Stories / Glitch Stories - Weekly Compendium [January 10th 2022]

    💤 12 Sleep Stories / Glitch Stories - Weekly Compendium [January 10th 2022]

  18. 💤 9 Sleep Stories / Glitch Stories - Weekly Compendium [March 14th 2022]

    💤 9 Sleep Stories / Glitch Stories - Weekly Compendium [March 14th 2022]

  19. 😴 9 Sleep Stories / Glitch Stories / Reddit Stories - Weekly Compendium [August 22nd 2022]

    😴 9 Sleep Stories / Glitch Stories / Reddit Stories - Weekly Compendium [August 22nd 2022]

  20. Zeitqualitäten #37 - Die Grundlagen für Erde 2 schaffen - blaupause.tv

    Zeitqualitäten #37 - Die Grundlagen für Erde 2 schaffen - blaupause.tv

  21. 💤 13 Sleep Stories / Glitch Stories - Weekly Compendium [February 21st 2022]

    💤 13 Sleep Stories / Glitch Stories - Weekly Compendium [February 21st 2022]
