All Arizona LegislaTURDS, AdministraTURDS & Government Officials Receive Subpoenas To Provide Their OATHS + Starting A Citizen Grand Jury In Cochise County To Expose The Election Fraud On Nov 8th & Hold The Demons Accountable | MICHELE SWINICK
Arizona & It's Demonic, Fake, America First Republicans Are Destroying The State, Our Country & Grassroots People. We’re A Testing Cesspool Of Fraud & Corruption – Headed Your Way Very Soon – Time To Stand Up & GET LOUD!
The Arizona Grassroots & REAL LD3 Win In Court But The AZGOP & Fake America 1st Demons Spread Their Ministry Of Truth - If This Hasn't Happened In Your County Yet, Oh, It's Coming...It's The RNC Playbook! | GOMEZ, KUCHTA, MICHAELS
All Arizona LegislaTURDS, AdministraTURDS & Government Officials Receive Subpoenas To Provide Their OATHS + Starting A Citizen Grand Jury In Cochise County To Expose The Election Fraud On Nov 8th & Hold The Demons Accountable | MICHELE SWINICK
ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: WE DEMAND AN INVESTIGATION IMMEDIATELY Into The Information From The 2/23 Election Meeting! WHY Is Senator Wendy Rogers REFUSING To Do It? WATCH Attorney John Thaler, Jacqueline Breger, Christine Reagan Explain It All!
ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: Attorney John Thaler, Jacqueline Breger, Christine Reagan! WE DEMAND AN INVESTIGATION Into Their Information IMMEDIATELY! Senator Wendy Rogers REFUSES TO DO IT! CALL & TAG HER NOW!
#15 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED - Attorney John Thaler, Jacqueline Breger, Christine Reagan! It's Time To DEMAND AN INVESTIGATION Into Their Information IMMEDIATELY! Senator Wendy Rogers Has The POWER To Do It!
461: ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED - Attorney John Thaler, Jacqueline Breger, Christine Reagan! It's Time To DEMAND AN INVESTIGATION Into Their Information IMMEDIATELY! Senator Wendy Rogers Has The POWER To Do It!
ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: WE DEMAND AN INVESTIGATION IMMEDIATELY Into The Information From The 2/23 Election Meeting! WHY Is Senator Wendy Rogers REFUSING To Do It? WATCH Attorney John Thaler, Jacqueline Breger, Christine Reagan Explain It All!
#16 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED - The CIA, China & Sinaloa Cartel In Partnership For Years Committing Election Fraud, Theft & Many More Crimes! Brannon Howse, Pete Santilli, Alex Newman, Col. John Mills. THIS IS HOW YOUR COUNTRY OPERATES!
#192 Arizona Election Fraud Update, Subpoenas Sent To ALL The TURDS Because They DIDN'T Take The Correct OATHS, The Unconstitutional Election Court Case & Much More | KEVIN HOYT & MICHELE SWINICK
#190 JESUS ROCKS: Your Truth, My Truth, THE TRUTH...BE PREPARED! The Ministry Of Truth Is In Full Force Lead By Both The Democrat & Republican Parties...The UNIPARTY! 2 Wings, Same Bird & It Poops On The Heads Of We The People | LUCY DIGRAZIA
#204 We DON'T Have REAL Elections + We DON'T Have A Border = We DON'T Have A Country! Are You Ready To Take Back America? We Have The Winning Strategy BUT There's NOT A Lot Of Time Left! | 5DGRAMMA & MICHELE SWINICK
#189 The Arizona Grassroots & REAL LD3 Win In Court But The AZGOP & Fake America 1st Demons Spread Their Ministry Of Truth - If This Hasn't Happened In Your County Yet, Oh, It's Coming...It's The RNC Playbook! | BOB GOMEZ, KJ KUCHTA
The Demonic Devil State Of Arizona: Legislative District Updates, Board Of Supervisors, Subpoenas To All TURDS & How To Take Back Arizona, America & Our Unconstitutional Elections| DANIEL WOOD, DENISE BABAYAN, LEZLEY SHEPHERD