3 years agoDeliverance Chronicles presents Clubhouse Session#7 Dream Interpretation Deliverance #dlvrnceDeliveranceChroniclesTV
2 years agoAries💖Give them space. They had a falling out with FRIENDS/EX, lost money/job & not in the mood!Scorpio Moon Intuition
2 years agoVirgo💖There was no going back to this person, BUT they are optimistic! Not stable & holding on!Scorpio Moon Intuition
2 years agoTaurus🌺Don't want to be your SECRET LOVER anymore! They want a REAL RELATIONSHIP. Will you accept?Scorpio Moon Intuition
2 years ago🔥Twin Flame Reading🔥DM working on ending KARMA, focused on WORK, DF intuitively forgives.Scorpio Moon Intuition
3 years agoDeliverance Chronicles presents Episode 2 Was It a demon, or some kind of fallen Angel?DeliveranceChroniclesTV
2 years agoVirgo🌺A Karmic Partner/Ex-Wife(Husband) return because they don't want to feel like a VICTIM. Say NOScorpio Moon Intuition
2 years agoSagittarius🌺You waited a LIFETIME & they are still not ready for LOVE! Shadow Work in progress!Scorpio Moon Intuition
3 years agoDeliverance Chronicles Presents Clubhouse Session Episode 4 - The Judicial aspects of DeliveranceDeliveranceChroniclesTV
3 years agoDeliverance Chronicles Presents Club House Session Part#2 9 reasons Demonic Doors are openDeliveranceChroniclesTV
3 years agoTTR Rev-Nation-Guest FL 20th Dist. Cong. Candidate Jason Mariner! You don't want to miss this!TTRRevNation1776
2 years agoCapricorn💖They want to call you! Need COURAGE to MAKE THE EFFORT. Open minded to be with you.Scorpio Moon Intuition
2 years agoLibra🌺There is an ending of a relationship & NOW THEY SEE THEIR EGO GOT IN THE WAY! Soul's JourneyScorpio Moon Intuition
3 years agoGemini ♊ THEY SECRETLY LOVED YOU! They are trying to find the confidence to ask for your forgivenessScorpio Moon Intuition
3 years agoCapricorn ♑ Your TRUE LOVE RETURNS! But, they slow...🐢 UNION WILL HAPPEN in the NEXT 3 MONTHS!Scorpio Moon Intuition
3 years agoI have been delivered from Multiple Personality Disorder interview with Jameka Hines #dlvrnceDeliveranceChroniclesTV
4 years agoSimple Crochet Basket tutorial / Learn how to make a circular basket with or without handles.NazarasFineCrafts
3 years agoPress Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki, November 29, 2021PressBriefingbyPressSecretaryJenPsaki