1. Fibre Lifelines and Lazy Jacks PLUS Pascale's Pantry Revealed - Free Range Sailing Ep 166

    Fibre Lifelines and Lazy Jacks PLUS Pascale's Pantry Revealed - Free Range Sailing Ep 166

  2. The System is Crashing no Matter What [There is no saving it]

    The System is Crashing no Matter What [There is no saving it]

  3. Not Allowed to Speak [Forcing the Narrative by Manipulation]

    Not Allowed to Speak [Forcing the Narrative by Manipulation]

  4. Don't Look Over There! [It's not a depression, just a mild recession]

    Don't Look Over There! [It's not a depression, just a mild recession]

  5. The world is being split in two [the end of the great reset?]

    The world is being split in two [the end of the great reset?]

  6. The State Department vs AP Reporter [An unfortunate exchange]

    The State Department vs AP Reporter [An unfortunate exchange]
