EPIC PAIRING: Matías De Stefano and Robert Edward Grant TOGETHER Speak on Astrology, Past Lives and Learning From the Past (Learning Cycles), the New Aquarian Age, Free Will, “Twin Flames”, and The Philosopher’s Stone! | The Aubrey Marcus Podcast
NYC's Covid (Super Spreader) Czar, Granting Moral Authority to Public Servants/Hypocrites, Are 2024 Polls Reliable?, Hope-ium Red Wave Let-Downs?, The Power of Questions, End-of-Show Surprise Pick 🤫 | Indie R Morning Coffee Stream
Teenagers From Outer Space (1959 Full Movie) | Sci-Fi/Horror | David Love, Dawn Anderson, Harvey B. Dunn, Bryan Grant. | Summary: A sensitive young alien teams up with a teenaged human girl to try and protect Earth from an imminent giant lobster invasion.