19 days agoInvite Show: Resistance is Futile, What's a Name on a List, CPAC Goes Rogue and moreWeAreRise ShowVerified
14 days agoLayoffs, Criminal Referrals, 'Knights of The Roundtable' and the Elusive Gambit of TransparencyWeAreRise ShowVerified
11 months agoVigilant News 4.1.24 Italy Investigating Covid Vaccine Death, Rumors of War, Eclipse of EmergenciesBadlands MediaVerified
23 days agoRepatriation of Gold, Surging EFPs/ Trumps Daytona 500 Yellow Brick Rd moment and loads moreWeAreRise ShowVerified
21 days ago'Turn the cards", Rome is Burning/The Last Pope, Elon mentions Starshield and Tax RewardWeAreRise ShowVerified
16 days agoBuying or Selling: Deputy Director Bongino, 2020 Election still matter, and Email Elon B$$MBsWeAreRise ShowVerified
1 month agoUncomfortable Truths vs Comfortable Lies/ Transparency through Tech and more..WeAreRise ShowVerified
1 month agoThe Transparency you Need, Want or Deserve/Curators vs Gatekeepers and considerably moreWeAreRise ShowVerified
26 days agoInvite Show: The Unsoundness of Media's Mind/Promoting Public Health vs Banning biG PHARMa AdsWeAreRise ShowVerified
1 month agoOpen Lines: 'Flying the Friendly Skies' Blind Midget Dwarfs with Speech Impairments vs Common SenseWeAreRise ShowVerified
1 month agoOpen Lines: Invite Show, Exploring the Maestro @TheSuperbowl, 'Balls to the Wall'-Dems Are MeltingWeAreRise ShowVerified
1 month agoOpen Lines: Invite Show; End of FEMA/FISA Ruled Unconstitutional and What's in a Name-StargateWeAreRise ShowVerified
1 month agoDEI=DNR, Deepseek Ai vs Stargate, Invasion USA; The Subjugation and more..WeAreRise ShowVerified
1 month agoDe-Facto State of War with Mexico or Canada/ Tariffs vs AIDS/DOJ-US Attorney vows to protect DOGEWeAreRise ShowVerified
1 month agoU-SAID Smurfed Money to Fake Media Orgs/ Realigning the [C?A] and Prez Trump heads to The SuPEr BOWLWeAreRise ShowVerified
3 months agoTruth Embargo Ending, Bomb Threats for Trump's Nominees and Mexican Stand-OffWeAreRise ShowVerified
3 months ago'Truth & Consequences', Senate Surrender, and Reckoning & Reconciliation-Rise Trifecta EditionWeAreRise ShowVerified
2 months agoSpeaker In Name Only, J6 Part Deux: The D0-Over/Mr. peanut Tugs on your Flag StringsWeAreRise ShowVerified
2 months agoOpen Line: Invite Show, Escape from LA(Not the Movie), As Funerals Go, Elon gets EnlightenedWeAreRise ShowVerified
1 month agoConfirm or Deny, Trump Inauguration Plan, Greenland bends the Knee and Bannon/Musk DiscordWeAreRise ShowVerified
1 month agoOpen Lines-Invite Show; Inauguration Detour: Inclement Weather, Credible Threats Is Something OffWeAreRise ShowVerified
2 months agoSlow Burn to Speakership, FF's and their Patsy Incels and Justice Roberts issues Veiled Threats!WeAreRise ShowVerified
2 months agoSodom and Gommorrah Burn, "This Land Is NOT your Land" and Gaetz Eyes Fl Governors MansionWeAreRise ShowVerified
1 month agoCurtain Call, Theatrical Masterpiece of Trump Inauguration and God in our HeartsWeAreRise ShowVerified
1 month ago'Release Them All', Episcopal Hypocrisy and Opportunism, J6 respite and 'Slow-Walking Trumps PicksWeAreRise ShowVerified