1. Shavuot Basics, Part 2 | Salvation is a Legal Transaction | Melchizedek Priesthood Change

    Shavuot Basics, Part 2 | Salvation is a Legal Transaction | Melchizedek Priesthood Change

  2. Four Ladies of Teshuvah gather to talk and Invite you to journey here for Sukkot next year!

    Four Ladies of Teshuvah gather to talk and Invite you to journey here for Sukkot next year!

  3. Bible Study | Part 3 | Where was Yeshua Between Hanukkah and Purim | Chronological Gospels

    Bible Study | Part 3 | Where was Yeshua Between Hanukkah and Purim | Chronological Gospels

  4. Liberal Hypocrisy Exposed by DeSanctis and Abbott as Illegals are Shipped to Kamala and Obama's Yard

    Liberal Hypocrisy Exposed by DeSanctis and Abbott as Illegals are Shipped to Kamala and Obama's Yard

  5. The Calendar, Rosh ha'Shanah, Beyond the Crazy Water and Rebekah's Birthday [ AUDIO ONLY ]

    The Calendar, Rosh ha'Shanah, Beyond the Crazy Water and Rebekah's Birthday [ AUDIO ONLY ]
