Binghamton University: Even In The Rain The Gospel Draws A Crowd, Dealing With Atheists and Jews, Skeptics and Evolutionists, One Former Christian Asks Many Questions And Seems To Come Under Conviction, A Great Day of Preaching!
Univ of North Texas: Even in The Rain & Wind, Gospel Preaching Draws A Crowd, Dealing with Sexual Perverts, Agnostics, Skeptics and Hypocrites, Jesus Christ Exalted
Georgia State University: Preaching to Thousands of Students, Professor Yells At Me To Leave, Student Desperately Tries to Persuade Others NOT To Talk To Me, The Gospel Thunders Through Downtown Atlanta
Global Markets Plunge, Dow Down Over 1000 Points, Trump Scottish Freemason Proof In Video, Exposing Putin As A Satanic Pedophile Himself, Exposing Evil Dustin Nemos, Exposing Evil Derek Johnson & Patel Patriot, Exposing Evil Dave Ramsey
Eastern Washington University: Another Local Street Preacher Joins Me, Dealing with Atheists, Homosexuals & Hypocrites -- also dealing with the Satanic Temple