1. "Coil" How to make a vase from rope, resin and willow wood. Wood turning, resin casting. O.U.R.

    "Coil" How to make a vase from rope, resin and willow wood. Wood turning, resin casting. O.U.R.

  2. "Crystal Cave" Cracked blue resin, clear resin and cherry wood vase, turned on the lathe. O.U.R.

    "Crystal Cave" Cracked blue resin, clear resin and cherry wood vase, turned on the lathe. O.U.R.

  3. "The Vinding Road" Wood turning with vine, resin and wood. Hand turned lathe.O.U.R. at ArtForOUR.org

    "The Vinding Road" Wood turning with vine, resin and wood. Hand turned lathe.O.U.R. at ArtForOUR.org

  4. "Gold Rush", Brass, Resin, Elmwood vase / bowl, lathe wood turning. Making a River of gold nuggets.

    "Gold Rush", Brass, Resin, Elmwood vase / bowl, lathe wood turning. Making a River of gold nuggets.

  5. "Embers" How to make a "burning" resin and Oak wood vase . Wood turning, resin work, resin art.

    "Embers" How to make a "burning" resin and Oak wood vase . Wood turning, resin work, resin art.

  6. "Bendy Birch" power tool carving using the lathe. Large sculpture carved from spalted tree trunk.

    "Bendy Birch" power tool carving using the lathe. Large sculpture carved from spalted tree trunk.

  7. "Tree of Life". Resin, wire tree and cherry wood vase. Wood turning on the lathe. ArtForOUR.org

    "Tree of Life". Resin, wire tree and cherry wood vase. Wood turning on the lathe. ArtForOUR.org

  8. "Struggle" Sculpture w/ woodturning, casting, resin and willow wood. Depicting internal balance

    "Struggle" Sculpture w/ woodturning, casting, resin and willow wood. Depicting internal balance

  9. "Tiger Country" Vase turned from willow wood, clear resin, power carving techniques used Resin Art

    "Tiger Country" Vase turned from willow wood, clear resin, power carving techniques used Resin Art

  10. "Hidden Seas" Wood turning and resin art inspired by stainglass and the ocean. ArtForOUR.org

    "Hidden Seas" Wood turning and resin art inspired by stainglass and the ocean. ArtForOUR.org

  11. Butternut Vase, 3 armed Elmwood lathe creation. woodturning to support O.U.R. at ArtForOUR.org

    Butternut Vase, 3 armed Elmwood lathe creation. woodturning to support O.U.R. at ArtForOUR.org

  12. Ornamental Cherrywood Bowl, lathe turned. Support Operation Underground Railroad at ArtForOUR.org

    Ornamental Cherrywood Bowl, lathe turned. Support Operation Underground Railroad at ArtForOUR.org

  13. Wind River Adventure. Enjoy a photographic adventure through the Rocky Mountains. ArtForOUR.org

    Wind River Adventure. Enjoy a photographic adventure through the Rocky Mountains. ArtForOUR.org

  14. "Irony" the exploding willow wood bowl & its' resurrection. Wood turning lathe work. O.U.R.

    "Irony" the exploding willow wood bowl & its' resurrection. Wood turning lathe work. O.U.R.

  15. "Liberty Tree" wood turning and a HUGE copper sculpture. Fight child trafficking at ArtForOUR.org

    "Liberty Tree" wood turning and a HUGE copper sculpture. Fight child trafficking at ArtForOUR.org

  16. "Aftermath" Wood and Resin Turning, capturing an explosion in resin. Birchwood Vase. O.U.R.

    "Aftermath" Wood and Resin Turning, capturing an explosion in resin. Birchwood Vase. O.U.R.

  17. Off the Wall #1 Making a wooden ring

    Off the Wall #1 Making a wooden ring

  18. #12 Diabetic Foot Complications. This will save you from an amputation.

    #12 Diabetic Foot Complications. This will save you from an amputation.

  19. #14 Neuromas, Morton's. Dr Dan Preece, Lecturing to Support Operation Underground Railroad.

    #14 Neuromas, Morton's. Dr Dan Preece, Lecturing to Support Operation Underground Railroad.
