Business Coach | Interview w/ Best-Selling Author of Pitch Anything Oren Klaff + "You Don't Get Paid By the Hour. You Get Paid for the Value You Bring to the Hour.” - Jim Rohn + Join Tebow At Dec 5-6 Business Workshop
Jim Breuer | Jim Breuer Asks, Why Did Yuval Noah Harari Say? "The Chief Value of Science Is Power. Science Is Mainly About Gaining Power & Gaining Power Over the Work." | Join Jim Breuer At the Detroit ReAwaken America Tour (June 7th & 8
Yuval Noah Harari | Is Daniel 7:25 Being Fulfilled By Yuval Noah Harari? "Money Is a Fiction. What Is the Last Thing That Still Holds American Society Together? The Value of the Dollar Is Purely An Imaginary Reality." + Doctor Sherwood
Business Podcast | Why High Value First Impressions Matter + The Importance of Installing No-Brainer Offers That WOW & A Unique Value Proposition + Tim Tebow Joins June 27-28 Business Growth Workshop (31 Tickets Available)